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10M Fan INFUSION Baritone Sax Mouthpiece


A baritone piece with lushness and fullness and power when you need it, and it doesn’t make you sound “gruff” like a Berg. It’s got fullness and clarity to the sound.

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10M Fan saxophone mouthpieces are the brainchild of vintage mouthpiece aficionado, Mark Sepincuk. Every mouthpiece facing is finished by Brian Powell or Erik Greiffenhagen.

Here is what Mark has to say about these beautifully crafted pieces.

This mouthpiece is ALL about the sound! "INFUSION" A baritone piece with lushness and fullness and power when you need it, and it doesn’t make you sound “gruff” like a Berg. It’s got fulness and clarity to the sound. Made from the finest German bar stock hard rubber and the hand finishing is done by the 2 most respected refacers out there: Brian Powell and Erik Greiffenhagen.

This was designed to be a mouthpiece that infuses the warmth and beauty of the best vintage Links and offers more power towards the Bergs, without that gruffness associated with those. You can put it there, but it doesn’t make you go there. This mouthpiece infuses many different Bari sax sounds together from Carney to Mulligan, Pepper Adams to Ronnie Cuber, Smulyan to Brignola…. and beyond. It allows the player immense flexibility to go many different directions from warm and beyond! It does NOT stick you in one sound corner.A true workhorse for the bari player that doesn’t need an extreme piece and needs flexibility and versatility for many settings!

This is not meant to be a screamer Bari piece. It’s designed for a lush full sound and versatility. It’s got plenty of power and does not get thin or too bright at all.

This has the right amount of resistance to slot itself right between the Links and the Berg‘s. If you are looking for a super free blowing piece that is a super loud balls to the wall piece, you should get a high baffle mouthpiece. This wasn’t designed for that. This was designed to be a GREAT all-around player that can be used for tons of different settings where SOUND is the most important thing! Tons of flexibility to be able to do so much with this one mouthpiece.

Consortium Music is the Australian distributor of 10M Fan Mouthpieces. We pride ourselves by aligning ourselves with quality artisan craftsman like Mark.


crafted from grade A German hard rubber

Tip measurements are as follows
6* - .105
7 - .110
7* - .115
8 - .120


IVAN RENTA on 10MFAN “INFUSION” Bari sax Mouthpiece.
Dragonfly (by Gerry Mulligan)testing 10mfan Infusion Baritone Sax mouthpiece

Frequently Asked Questions

Are these just copies of vintage mouthpieces?

No. 10m Fan mouthpieces are crafted with modern players, modern instruments and a modern sound concept. Mark has taken a lot of inspiration from popular vintage mouthpieces and adapted them to best fit the sound concept of the descriptions. Everyone is copying 'Florida Links', but Mark is taking the qualities of them and making them accessible to all players.

Are there metal models?

Yes, 10m Fan mouthpieces can be made from brass. These are special order and we can quote a special order for you.

Can I test play 10m Fan mouthpieces?

Yes, our shop is open Mon-Fri for anyone to come and test out the range of mouthpieces we have in stock!

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$199.00 – $220.00
(08) 8117 3238